マイカとは? About Mica

  • 日本語








項目 単位 硬質マイカ(白雲母)
化学式 - KAl2(AlSi3)O10(OH)2 KMg3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2
- 透明または淡黄色 褐色または暗緑色
比重 g/cm³ 2.7~3.0 2.6~2.9
密度 kg/m³ (2.6~3.2)×10³ (2.6~3.2)×10³
硬度 Mohs 2.8~3.2 2.5~3.0
比熱 J/(kg・℃) 860~870 860~870
熱伝導率 W/(m・K) 0.67 0.67
熱膨張率 /℃ (9~36)×10-6 (30~60)×10-6
熱分解温度 600~800 900~1000
引張強度 MPa 250~300 150~290
誘電率 1MHz - 6~9 5~6
誘電正接 50Hz、25℃ % 0.01~0.03 0.1~0.65
堆積抵抗率 Ωcm 1014~1016 1012~1014
絶縁破壊電圧 kV/0.1mm 18~25 12~19
各マイカの特長 電気特性に優れている。着色マイカに主と



硬度 鉱物 道具
1 滑石(タルク)
2 石膏 人の爪(2.5)
2.8 マイカ
3 方解石(カルサイト) 10円硬貨(3.5)
4 蛍石 釘(4.5)
5 燐灰石 ガラス(5.5)
6 正長石 ナイフ(6)
7 石英 鋼鉄のやすり(7.5)
8 トパーズ
9 鋼玉(コランダム)
10 ダイヤモンド



一方向に劈開 マイカ、石墨(グラファイト)など
二方向に劈開 輝石、角閃石など
三方向に劈開 方解石(カルサイト)、方鉛鉱、岩塩など
四方向に劈開 蛍石など
六方向に劈開 閃亜鉛鉱
劈開なし 石英、自然金、黄鉄鉱(パイライト)など


鉱物名 組成式 特徴
KAl2(AlSi3)O10(OH)2 原石は少し淡黄色がかっており、元素の比はAlが大部分を占める天然の鉱物です。
KMg3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2 白雲母よりも黒味が強く、柔らかい鉱物です。
(Synthetic Mica)
KMg3(AlSi3)O10F2 人工的に生成されるマイカで、組成式が金雲母に近いことから、合成フッ素金雲母とも呼ばれます。


弊社取扱い製品種類 特徴 品名
(Dry Mica Flake)
乾式粉砕したマイカ粉です。主に1mm、2mm、5mm品を取り揃えておりますが、ご要望に応じた粒度を用意することも可能です。 NO3-S:(1mm)
(Wet Mica Powder)
湿式粉砕したマイカ粉です。乾式マイカ粉よりも細かい粒度のマイカ粉です。約80メッシュから約300メッシュまで取り揃えております。化粧品関係で主に使用される製品です。ご要望に応じて粒度を調整することも可能です。 100M:約80メッシュ
(MZ series)
マイカ中の結晶水分を高温焼成することにより飛ばして、マイカの表面状態を変えております。これにより色がシルバー色になり、輝度がアップしております。通常、マイカの絶縁用プレートなどの原料に使用しますが、最近は新しい用途でもご採用頂いております。 MZ-1:1mm
(SQ series)
マイカの原料段階にて黒点から選別された、高白度のマイカです。 2MSQ
(Color Mica)
マイカ粉に特殊着色加工した製品です。様々な用途にご使用頂いております。多彩な標準色、サイズを取り揃えておりますが、ご要望に応じてオリジナル製品を生産することが可能です。 表示例・・・
01:黒 02:白 03:グレー
04:薄茶 05:濃茶 06:赤茶
07:青 08:ピンク

JIS 試験篩いメッシュ換算表

目開き(μ) メッシュ
5.6mm 3.5
4.75mm 4
4.00mm 4.7
3.35mm 5.5
2.80mm 6.5
2.36mm 7.5
2.00mm 8.6
1.70mm 10
1.40mm 12
目開き(μ) メッシュ
1.18mm 14
1.00mm 16
850μ 18
710μ 22
600μ 26
500μ 30
425μ 36
355μ 42
300μ 50
目開き(μ) メッシュ
250μ 60
212μ 70
180μ 83
160μ 93
150μ 100
125μ 119
106μ 140
100μ 149
90μ 166
目開き(μ) メッシュ
75μ 200
63μ 235
53μ 280
45μ 330
38μ 390
32μ 440
25μ 500
20μ 635

【参考】食塩:100μ 毛髪:70μ 粒洗剤:25μ 歯磨き粉:10μ バクテリア:2μ


品名 乾式 湿式
7mm B/5mm NO.1/2mm NO.3-S/1mm 100M 300M 1000M
粒度(mesh) 粒度(mesh) 粒度(mesh) 粒度(mesh) 粒度(mesh) 粒度(mesh) 粒度(mesh) 粒度(mesh)
10 70~90 50~70 0 0 0 0 0
10~20 10~20 30~40 25~35 0 0 0 0
20~40 5以下 10以下 35~45 5以下 0 0 0
40~60 10~20 30~40 3以下 0 0
60~100 10以下 20~30 20以下 0 0
100~200 10以下 15~25 45以下 35以下 5以下
200~325 10以下 20以下 50以下 35以下 25以下
325~ 50以下 70以下

マイカとは? About Mica

  • 日本語

A natural mineral mica is composed by SiO2、Al2O3、K2O and crystal water.
In Japan it is called “UNMO” from past. Mica is an excellent high quality mineral with electrical insulating properties and thermal resistance.
There are wide range of mica of applications in recent years. Mica is used like the following by
making use of its unique luster, shape and thermal resistance.

 Mica in addition to the above has also been used in a wide variety of situations.

The eight excellent features.


Mica has been useful for a long time for that eight excellent features.

Specification of mica

There are many types of mica, especially two kinds of mica is important industrially. One is Muscovite(hard mica) composed mainly of potassium. The other is Phlogopite (soft mica) composed mainly of magnesium.
Please refer to the following to find detail of nature of mica.

Item Unit Muscovite Phlogopite
Chemical formula - KAl2(AlSi3)O10(OH)2 KMg3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2
Color - Transparent or pale yellow Brown or dark green
Specific gravity g/cm³ 2.7~3.0 2.6~2.9
Density kg/m³ (2.6~3.2)×10³ (2.6~3.2)×10³
Hardness Mohs 2.8~3.2 2.5~3.0
Specific heat J/(kg・℃) 860~870 860~870
Thermal conductivity W/(m・K) 0.67 0.67
Coefficient of thermal expansion /℃ (9~36)×10-6 (30~60)×10-6
Pyrolysis temperature 600~800 900~1000
Tensile strength MPa 250~300 150~290
Dielectric constant 1MHz - 6~9 5~6
Dielectric loss tangent 50Hz, 25 ℃ % 0.01~0.03 0.1~0.65
Accumulation resistivity Ωcm 1014~1016 1012~1014
Breakdown voltage kV/0.1mm 18~25 12~19
Features This is excellent in electrical characteristics. This is mainly used for coloring mica. This has excellent thermal resistance and flexibility.

※About hardness

The "Mohs hardness scale" has been devised by Mr.Mohs(German) in the early 19th century. This is currently in as a general criterion. Rub minerals together to see which one is more damaged. This is the way of judgement.
However, Mohs hardness is merely relative indication. The difference between the figure of the numbers is also not homogeneous. In addition, the figures in chart is not be indicated the strength against the impact. It will be broken into pieces if you hammer mineral hard.

Hardness Mineral Tool
1 Talc
2 Plaster Human nails(2.5)
2.8 Mica
3 Calcite Copper coin(3.5)
4 Fluorite Nail(4.5)
5 Apatite Glass(5.5)
6 Orthoclase Knife(6)
7 Quartz Rasp of steel(7.5)
8 Topaz
9 Corundum
10 Diamond

※About Cleavage

Minerals has the property that is easily cracked to the direction where is under the weak atomic combination. It is called "Cleavage". In the case of that a perfect cleavage is done, a beautiful plane surface appears. It is called cleavage plane.
Mica has the most typical of cleavage, it can be come off easily just by putting a nail in one direction.
There are One, Two, Three, Four, and Six in the cracking direction. This can not be disregarded when the processing to the mineral. In this way, minerals have a feature of cleavage and it is sufficient data to decision of its kinds.

The cleavage in one direction Mica, Graphite, etc.
The cleavage in two directions Pyroxene, Amphibole, etc.
The cleavage in three directions Calcite, Galena, Rock salt, etc.
The cleavage in four directions Fluorite, etc.
The cleavage in six directions Sphalerite
No cleavage Quartz, Native gold, Pyrite, etc.

Kinds of mica

Mineral name Composition formula Characteristic
Muscovite KAl2(AlSi3)O10(OH)2 Gemstone is tinged with a little pale yellow. This is a natural mineral most containing the ratio of Al.
This is hardly conducts heat and electricity. Muscovite is our main handling product.
Phlogopite KMg3(AlSi3)O10(OH)2 Phlogopite is a soft mineral and more black colored than Muscovite.
This has a characteristic of containing more Mg than Muscovite.
This has higher thermal resistance than Muscovite but the insulation is lower than Muscovite.
Synthetic Mica KMg3(AlSi3)O10F2 Synthetic mica is generated artificially. The composition formula is similar to Phlogopite so that it is known as a synthetic fluorine Phlogopite.
Features are harder and whiter than Muscovite and Phlogopite.

Our products

Kinds Characteristic Name of products
Dry Mica Flake This is dry ground mica flake. We prepare the standard grade 1mm, 2mm and 5mm. We are able to prepare a particle size on your request. NO3-S:(1mm)
Wet Mica Powder This is wet ground mica powder. Wet ground mica powder is more finer particle size than dry ground mica powder. This is mainly used in cosmetics field. We are able to adjust to the particle size on request. 100M:about80mesh
※JIS standard
MZ series MZ series is heated to high temperature to evaporate the crystal water of mica flake in order to change the surface condition of mica. And then silver color shows up on the surface of it and its brightness is up.
Normally this is used for mica insulation plate. Recently this has been used in a lots of new ways.
SQ series SQ series is sorted from black spots in row material stage of mica. This has high whiteness than normal grade of mica powder. 2MSQ
Color Mica Color mica is special resin color coated. This can be used in various ways of products. We prepare many kinds of standard colors and sizes of products. We are ready to comply with your request like a special color and size of product. Indication・・・
A-301(3mm black)
A-102(1mm white)
Color No.・・・
01:Black 02:White
03:Gray 04:Pale brown
05:Dark brown
06:Red brown
07:Blue 08:Pink